Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019)

Kristina Asmus is nude in the movie “Tekst” which was released in 2019. She has shown naked tits, bush, arse including full frontal nudity having explicit sex.

Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019) Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019) Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019) Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019) Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019) Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019) Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019) Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019) Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019) Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019) Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019) Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019) Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019) Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019)

Actress: Kristina Asmus
Movies: Tekst
Tags: bush, butt, explicit, full frontal, sex, topless, nude


15 thought on “Kristina Asmus nude - Tekst (2019)

  • God: 9 +1 -1

    I wish she make this with me!!!!!!!!!!

  • Fmkorea: 381 +1 -1

    Fmkorea good~

  • David: 13 +1 -1

    very cool i want to be russian

  • BehindTheScene: 28 +1 -1

    Asked about his explicit sex scene with Kristina Asmus, Ivan Yankovskiy said: "Yeah, we shot the footage ourselves. We drank wine, we clinked glasses, and started shooting. And it's always very funny. Because the director says to you, 'Come on!' and goes out the door to drink tea. And here you are, and she's here, and you have to shoot it all. And it's like she has a husband, out there in life, and he'll see everything. It's kind of creepy, really. But I understood: either you have to believe in it, or it makes no sense to do it."

  • Baskin: 4 +1 -1

    She did nice spitting on his dick.

  • Beardog: -8 +1 -1

    I hate a mature woman that shaves her natural bush.

  • System monitor: 1 +1 -1

    It was good yummy like doochang

  • fmkorea: 1 +1 -1

    thank you

  • baekgom: 8 +1 -1

    fmkorea bring me here thank you

  • Jadon sancho: 0 +1 -1


  • Rdeung2: 0 +1 -1

    very impressive Put in

  • BehindTheScene: -46 +1 -1

    I started this thread based on facts and reality But people are abusing the name "BehindTheScene" and spreading false information and facts And not on few but on many videos So this is my resignation.. U guys can carry on with your lies and fictions

  • BehindTheScene: 18 +1 -1

    In 2019, Kristina Asmus was in the center of the scandal after the premiere of this movie. In the film there is an explicit sex scene in which the actress, as well as her on-screen partner Ivan Yankovskiy, appeared completely naked in a phone video the artists themselves shot. The scene turned out to be extremely naturalistic (Asmus is seen stroking for real Yankovskiy's penis) and caused a negative reaction from the Russian audience who decided that Yankovskiy and Asmus had unsimulated penetrative sex on screen. The actress, who is a wife and a mother, was actively criticized and accused of depravity, and her husband Garik Kharlamov (a famous comedian) was nicknamed a cuckold in social networks. Kharlamov after the release of the movie did not make any claims against his wife, but, on the contrary, supported her. The artist emphasized that his wife is an actress. In the movie, she played a role and, according to the showman, coped with her task perfectly. In 2020 Kharlamov and Asmus informed the public that they were getting divorced , but emphasized that this film has nothing to do with it. (IMDb)

  • Janek: -7 +1 -1

    Mat taku mamču tak jej dava penis davam do kundičky stale

  • Weak: -1 +1 -1

    Doesn't appear to be any real penetration.

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