Jodie Foster nude - The Accused (1988)

Jodie Foster in the clip here can be seen enjoying the sex and showing her sexy and leaned even toned body to the people on the screen and enjoying the show. The clip started with Jodie Foster talking to two of the guys might be her friends inside the room. They can be seen clearly looking at her boobs and making an indication to her about their views of fucking her badly and enjoying the body of Jodie Foster. She on knowing this intention of their male partners made the thing go and look easy for them. She leaned on the floor and started enjoying the sexual things and brining. The clip showed the girls enjoying the sexy and hot scene of making the world look more sexy to them.

Further in the clip, the guys made her to lay on the table and holds her hand and ties them to the poles by there and starts undressing her by opening her clothes and her sexy panty down there. The guy then starts folding her legs apart and then fucking her brutally in the legs in her pussy with his dick and making Jodie Foster moan aloud and high showing the pleasure she was getting on being fucked. The clip shown here has been taken from the movie named The Accused being released in the year 1988. Jodie Foster sowed her tits in the sexual scene apart from some of the body scenes.

Jodie Foster nude - The Accused  (1988) Jodie Foster nude - The Accused (1988) Jodie Foster nude - The Accused (1988)

Actress: Jodie Foster
Movies: The Accused
Tags: topless, sex, nude


41 thought on “Jodie Foster nude - The Accused (1988)

  • Urscum: 98 +1 -1

    This is a rape scene. She is not enjoying it.

  • NED: 8 +1 -1

    Well the cunt standing there watching it I'm glad I wasn't in that pub.

  • Hunchback larry: 57 +1 -1

    She’s being raped you fuckin retard

  • Anonymous: 60 +1 -1

    Its a fuckin rape

  • Anonymous: 51 +1 -1


  • Oh no: -47 +1 -1

    Dance like a ho... get poked like a ho

  • STOP RAPE: 31 +1 -1


  • who cares: -45 +1 -1

    Get real, She is a class A whore so this role is fitting for her. All hollywood actresses are two dollar sluts. They will show their tits and ass on the big screen for whichever producer offers the most money. Then they will run around making claims about how they were abused by so and so. Theyre sluts every one of them. Only a slut gets naked for the world in exchange for fiat dollars, just as bad as a prostitute that fucks for money.

  • Anonymous: -19 +1 -1

    This movie is one of my favorite comedies

  • DarhkMan: 19 +1 -1

    What they did to her was wrong very wrong she didn't deserve be sexually assaulted by a group sick pervert's who I had no right to do what they did to her

  • BATMAN: -38 +1 -1

    She deserved it for what she does!!! She started it but they ended it.

  • kgj: 12 +1 -1

    well,this really turns me off

  • Don't care: -8 +1 -1

    She shouldn't have went in the bar telling her friend she wanted to take one of those guys home and fuck him in front of her boyfriend. She got what she deserved.

  • hoser: -7 +1 -1

    Get real, Jodi foster showed skin in nearly every movie she was in. These hollywood celebs are nothing more than prostitutes. The only limit to what they will do on screen in exchange for dollars is how much the director can afford to pay them. Nicole Kidman is another prime example of a hollywood slut that they pretend is some kind of goody two shoes. She hasnt made so much as one movie that she wasnt completely naked in at some point. Think about it a minute. If you pay me enough money i will get naked and pretend to fuck on screen for the world to see. Hollywood trash, nothing more than sluts.

  • Anonymous: 2 +1 -1

    Would you be slave workers (hard earned money) or just show what people had already seen( easy money) What is wrong with u people, when it is a rape show, you trynna get personal, other videos nothing?

  • Fucking against rape: 3 +1 -1

    Why the films are showing so brutal scenes, peoples are getting absolute disturbed by those ugly fucking...

  • She did mistakes as well: -11 +1 -1

    Yes rape is wrong, but she was the one who started it. Here are some thngs she should've known already: 1. Bars are dangerous. Just drink your fucking wine and beer and get TF outta there. 2.Most hungry men go to bars, making them more likely to want to have sex. 3. She could've work something less revealing but yet she even made the effort to take off the straps of her shirt and lift her shorts up, making them even more revealing. I know I'm porn gonna get much downvotes here, but that's the true unless you want to continue staying double-standarts for men.

  • You guys are fking loser: 6 +1 -1

    Only losers defend this crap. Yall cant get laid to save your lives. Pathetic

  • maxass: 11 +1 -1

    why no one is helping her. and the guy who's looking probably decent is just staring her but not doing anything, if i was there i will never let that happen i'll fuck those guys by what ever it takes. you know what fuck this world im out!

  • Anonymous: 10 +1 -1

    Fuckn sick mfrs

  • Nigg: -5 +1 -1

    Ykw? The thing is she wanted attention cause she could've just rejected that kiss but she didn't and another thing is she's a drunk b that belongs streets and about the men we all know that when men are drunk they are monsters she should've been more careful and they should've controlled themselves anyways she'll be more careful next time tho

  • she was asking for it: -3 +1 -1

    are you triggered feminists?? LOLOLOLOLOL

  • kys: 5 +1 -1

    you bitches defending this are sick

  • Rooster 1975: -3 +1 -1

    That is the first time I have seen this picture and it’s a fucking disgusting

  • Anonymous: 13 +1 -1

    Its a fucking movie retards

  • AZ1SUN: -2 +1 -1

    WOW REALLY!SOMEBODY HAS issues!ARE YOU MENTAL! SAD THAT YOU MAKE it out,AS a fantasy! Of 2 willing party's 20 yrs! ANY sex offender on my watch! WISHED GOD forgave them ! Sometimes no mercy? THAT line shouldn't be even thought of being near.No is NO?WHEN PUNKS DO That! REMEMBER WE are OUT! I see you! Painful slowly AZ1SUN

  • Digger: 1 +1 -1

    I hope you idiots out there realize that this movie was based on a true story. The real boys that raped her were sentenced including the on looker remember. Guys rape is rape and And she did say no when he was 1st getting on her that means no is no.

  • Neat peaker: -3 +1 -1

    What happened to her is called “taste your own medicine “. Like few comments already suggested. First turn on bad guys in bad place and then expecting apologies.

  • GalaxyGlueMaker: 3 +1 -1

    So Trey Parker and Matt Stone the creators of South Park parodied this scene?! .....DAMN!!

  • Anonymous: 3 +1 -1

    Y'all niggaz is nasty as hell. Rethink your fucking lives for sitting here and saying this shit is okay or deserved.

  • Anonymous: -1 +1 -1

    What the fuck is wrong people l will kill you

  • Anonymous: 3 +1 -1

    bloody nigger

  • Jonas j fagans: 7 +1 -1

    I watched the one scene like 50 or more times

  • stan: 3 +1 -1

    the bravest movie jodie foster ever made brave lass

  • SaintJoe: -2 +1 -1

    Ugiy and skinny, not worth even the rape..yuck

  • Anonymous: -1 +1 -1

    Wäre froh,so viele Männer auf einmal für mich zu haben.

  • Horny Asian: 5 +1 -1

    One of my favourite scenes to wank to growing up. Really turned on by the groan she makes when the first guy enters her. Such a tight pussy. Love the moan and facial expressions he makes too.. Really enjoying her tight vag.

  • Anonymous: 2 +1 -1

    she do be moanin and groanin like a hog, great acting to be able to demonstrate that the character was loving every minute of it, although they left a plot hole open at the end with whether or not that guy got a bandaid for his finger very passionate and sensual

  • Anonymous: -1 +1 -1

    I'm wrong for watching this filthy Perverted movie so I'm repenting for my wrongs

  • Anonymous: 0 +1 -1

    Reminds me of what happened to Dr Eileen. Laid down and having her small tits sucked.

  • NickoKanaata: 1 +1 -1

    She's got a flat pancake butt. You can see when he lifts her skirt, she says "hey" and tries to prevent him for exposing her flat jiggly backside to the whole bar

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